Monday, March 21, 2016

Scenes from quarantine

Hollace, Anders and I stayed home today while we avoided exposing Portland to pink eye and tried to kick our colds and return to normal good health. It is no secret that I am not meant to be a stay at home mom. Just a few hours in, when the novelty of being home has worn off and Anders is looking to me for activities and entertainment, I am reminded just how much I respect those who stay home with kids. But, all in all, I think we did pretty well. 

We made birthday crowns (later, in a fit of anger, because I wouldn't let him eat chocolate chips, Anders ripped his up and threw it in the garbage), Anders made a cake out of magnetic block with four candels and we practiced singing "happy birthday".

Then we dyed Easter eggs. Anders didn't really understand the idea of saving them for the Easter bunny (how does the Easter bunny get into the house to get the eggs and hide them??)  and ate most of the dozen we dyed.

Later we made cookies. Hollace "licked" the beater while Anders LICKED the beater. His eye was looking pretty good, too. 

For dinner we had chicken and rice with black eyed peas and carrots. While Hollce loves broccoli more than anything he's eaten thus far, this dinner went over very well. 


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