Since Ryan's birthday weekend, when Hollace got an ear infection, Hollace has slept terribly. Both at night and naps. It's been exhausting for all of us and a challenge for his care givers. On Monday evening, after failing yet again to get Hollace to sleep and stay asleep for longer than an hour or so, and on the heels of having to leave a friend's birthday party early because Hollace was up and starting to struggle, I decided it was time to make some changes. After a long Google session I made a game plan for Tuesday night. I don't know if my plan was perfect, perfectly timed or that Hollace and I were just so tired that anything would help, but he has started to sleep! He immediately slept for a 4 hr stretch on Tuesday with only minimal squawking. And last night he slept for 11.5 hrs straight! I'm not expecting that to repeat itself consistently yet, but for now I will relish in us both being well rested and the reminder that change always comes.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning enjoying pancakes and pears.
Chipmunk cheeks on pasta night.
Enjoying the newest and best food in the neighborhood. Thankfully it's pizza, so is easy to go with us all.
Anders dropped a vice grip on his toe (long story) and insisted I put a cast on it. I fashioned a cast out of several socks. He insisted on wearing the cast for the entire day.
Also, Hollace has started to love to eat. He's up to three meals a day. Not sure how much food he actually gets in his mouth, but he working on those fine motor skills!
24 hr later Update: Hollace slept through the night last night, too! I'm drunk on sleep. He also had a low grade fever yesterday, so while I'm hoping the sleep is helping his immune system do what it needs to, I'm also hoping the full nights become a habit.