Friday, December 18, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Brave boy

Anders doesn't like Eemie to be in his room. I'm not sure why, but he's pretty adamant we remove her. This past weekend I questioned why he wanted her gone and he took matters in to his own hands. Good thing she is a sweetheart. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Breaking out the exer-saucer

Hollace and I worked from home due to his pink eye for a few days this week. Yesterday I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he needed more stimulation. So, I found the next toy in the development cycle. He was totally ready and in to it!

Quite pleased. 



Not one to miss out on fun, Anders hopped in when he got home. 

Feeling silly 

Enjoying the audience. 

Getting in to it. 

FYI, that's a Pelligrino can that was empty. Anders savored the few drops we left.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Well, it's December and things are busy and at the same times there's nothing happening at all. So, below is a quick recap. 

Anders continues to want to hold and cuddle Hollace. Hollace seems to like it. 

In an art installation at the Portland Art Museum the day after Thanksgiving. We were so busy and having so much fun on Thanksgiving we forgot to take pictures. 

Taking in the latest library haul. Anders is naked as usual. 

Bath time!

Anders, Hollace and I went to Poppi's for a day on Thanksgiving weekend. Anders spent much of the morning outside playing with his step-uncle Sean and the Italian harvest intern Luca who is staying at my dad's. A little after 1pm Anders came inside, climbed on my lap and passed out. Here he is transferred to the couch. 

Picking out a tree on a very rainy day. 

Hollace drying out on the front seat. 

Hanging "ornaments". 

Finally, Anders had his first Monday at his new school yesterday. He loved it! After some initial shyness, his teacher said he warmed right up and was a natural. This morning he asked to go to his new school. He also asked me if he could ask Faye's parents if she could go to his new school, too.