Sunday, August 30, 2015

There's a chill and some rain in the air

I'm sure summer isn't over yet, but we enjoyed our first rainstorm in our new house this weekend. Fortunately the weather held during the daytime so we all got out to play. 

After it became clear that these magnetic blocks are Anders most favorite toys, we got him some. Kind of as a big brother present but mostly just because. They are very popular since arriving. In the photos he's telling me not to take a picture because he's not done building. 

Anders cuddling Hollace (he's rubbing his belly) in bed on Saturday morning. 

Fast asleep. 

Monkey see, monkey do. 

Enjoying an apple at the community orchard and garden at Gabrial Park. 

Enjoying the forest trails at the park, too. 

Anders really loves to hold Hollace. Fortunately, he doesn't mind that he still needs a little help doing it. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

And the beat goes on

Hollace has longer and longer periods of wakefulness. Sometimes it feels like he's looking at us for the first time.

Anders on his scoot bike at the "new park."

The many faces of a newborn. If this were a video you'd hear all his grunting. It's cute. 

Busy life with boys

Hollace isn't even two weeks old, but it's hard to remember what life was like before he joined us. 

So far things are going smoothly. He is kindly only waking us up, on average, once a night to eat. He isn't spooked or surprised by his brothers shrieks, yells or cries. And, he is hearthly as can be. 

Getting some sun to help with his slight jaundice. 

We found a new park next to what will Anders and Hollace's grade school. There's a 6ft rabbit there that just perfect for riding. 

We had an outing to Colby and Rebakah's last week for dinner. Anders got his very own mock tail and cheers-ed his Meme. 

Anders has asked to join us for Hollace's doctor appointments. Last Friday we stopped at the cafe in the hospital for a yogurt. Anders was thrilled!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

And now there are four

Hollace Rex Marchesi-Garvey was born at 7:49 am on August 12. He weighed in at 8lbs 9oz, a pretty darn good size especially considering that he was a week early (I'm thanking him for not staying in longer and getting any bigger). Born in the water with his Meme there to catch him, his labor and delivery were fast and furious and couldn't have gone any better. 

After the initial and rough realization that my lap now needs to be shared, Anders has been incredibly gentle and sweet with his little brother. In particular Anders says he likes Hollace's hair and hands. 

Below are some highlights of the last few days. 

Fresh out, covered in vernix and still attached. I'm pretty sure I was saying "holy shit." I was so stunned he came out so fast. 

24 hrs old. 

In his first few hours home Hollace finally gets held by his big brother. After being very excited to hold Hollace, Anders was weary of holding him when they met at the hospital. He can around when we all reunited at home. 

Cheryl sweetly got my mom a birthday cake (her birthday is August 13!). After a dinner of Thai take out (thanks Colby and Rebekah!) we all celebrated Meme and Anders got to help blow out the candles. 

More cuddling with Hollace. 

Early this morning, all of us snug in bed. The nights aren't nearly as long as they could be, thankfully. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Big brother package

We got our first package at the new house last week. Kathleen and Greta sent up some things that they didn't need in their hand-me-down haul that I was interested in trying and a few special big brother gifts for Anders. After his birthday, he's very into presents. And was thrilled to find some for him. 

Intently trying to open the box. 

Two new books!!

He wrapped his initialed pendent that Greta made for him around his neck like a scarf. 

And he offered to make us dinner as we tied on his very own apron. 

It was a gleeful night for Anders. 

And, it was an amazing week for Greta and Kathleen who welcomed their twins, Malcolm and Joseph into the world on Saturday, August 1!

Here they are at 3 days old, holding hands. We're sad that this household won't be able to meet them for a few months given that we are expecting our little guy any day. But look forward to snuggling with them soon!