Monday, July 27, 2015

Unscripted Joy

Anders has been super excited about moving into his new house. We managed to get in some neighborhood exploration whilst unpacking (big ups to Rebekah for swinging by Sunday to help unpack the kitchen she helped pack up). On Friday night, after what was apparently a great day at daycare, we went to a local restaurant and had the patio all to ourselves. Ryan and I turned around and Anders was doing this.

It was espeically cute how he got a little shy when he noticed I was filming him. But my heart just about exploded to see him so full of joy. Using the straw as a mic is new and hilarious.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sweet Kid

He said "I want to feel my baby brother move." And he got to. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Shopping trip

Getting to ride on the cart!

IKEA shopping takes a keen eye. 

Taking a snack break in the showroom. 

Anders was pretty comfortable. 

He could have sat there all day!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Busy weekend

Our household is busy, busy with all the packing and prep we need to do for our move later this month. Anders has been a total champ being flexible with his time and seems to enjoys all the action. 

With 100 degree temps, he needs lots of water breaks. 

He got to pick out his own underwear! We're hoping this will help motivate him to use the toilet. This weekend he did pretty well in them, no accidents, but he never used he toilet. 

I had let a few cases of wine get way too hot these last couple of years. So instead of moving flawed wine, I emptied them. Anders got in on that action, too, using the rabbit ear cork screw. 

Ryan was sweeping the new driveway about 10 feet away, but Anders was poised to help. He loves wielding a dustpan. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Spirit week!

I forgot to take pictures each morning but, Anders seems to be enjoying playing along with spirit week at daycare. 

Monday: Pajama day. 

Wednesday: Crazy hair day. He specifically requested that his hair get put up!

Friday is pirate day. I haven't quite figured out what he'll wear. But, if it's good, I'll post it.