Saturday, May 30, 2015

Fire starters

On Thursday I received these pictures from Anders' wonderful teacher and babysitter, Mahina. 

Above is Anders and Silas. They've been in daycare together since they were five months and Anders LOVES Silas. Apparently they spent a morning at the park trying to start a fire, including rubbing sticks together. Not sure where they learned about rubbing sticks. 

When we got home Anders decided to do some yard work. 

But the shovel was a little heavy. 

Followed by some tree climbing. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Busy, busy boy

We all went to Sandpoint, ID again this weekend for a mini-reunion with old friends of Ryan's and their families'. There were 6 kids, one of which is just 25 hrs younger than Anders. So, Anders was just one of a pack of kids running around over the weekend and he loved it. 

Enjoying his first s'more. We paid for this "late night" snack later with a sleepless night. 

Even though Rylan refused to look at the phone (maybe his only moment of defiance all weekend), it's clear these are happy boys. 

Shooting rocks with a sling shot. I think we'll keep this a Sandpoint activity. 

Slade, 5, drawing with Anders. 

After watching the other boys pee outside, Anders wanted to give it a try. He did get his diaper down, but said he couldn't pee. Progress toward potty training, maybe!

Anders and Hudson, 3, on a bug hunt. 


Thursday, May 21, 2015

We've got a doctor in the family

Anders and I had a whirlwind trip to the Bay Area this past weekend. So busy, in fact, that we took very few photos. But, Anders had plenty of fun given that he was surrounded by half of his grand parents, his great aunt and uncle and of course two of his aunts. There were lots of hands available for him to play. 

Lunch on the plane. We had another great couple of flights. Both ways his behavior was complimented by the flight attendants and our seat mates. I'm happy to contribute to smooth flights for our fellow travelers!

My sister, 25 weeks pregnant with twins, getting hooded aka accepting her PhD, by not one but two advisors! A very special honor and nod the just what a special doctoral candidate she was. The ceremony was moving. There wasn't a dry eye in the family. I'm so thankful we could be there to honor so much hard work. Anders amazingly sat quietly through the almost two hour program thanks to a big bag of raisins Meme got for him. He especially enjoyed the presentation of the degrees during which there was a lot of clapping. 

I got a little nervous as we exited the auditorium bc Anders wanted to hold Kathleen's hand and I lost sight of them in the crowd. Of course she had him tight and the two proceeded to take pictures together. Above is my sister in law, Kathleen, sister Greta and thier friend and former classmate Pablo (he accepted his phd last spring). 

Not the best picture, but the only photographic proof of our tandem  gestation. Me at 26 weeks and Greta at 25 weeks, Anders less than enthused. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

And now he's three

Anders had a low key but pretty fabulous third birthday. He spent his day at Nonna and Poppi's where he got to ride on the tractor, play with the chickens and ducks and enjoyed his first (and only healthy) birthday cake of the day. 

After work we ran home and made mac and cheese (his request) for his friend Emma, her parents and Colby. Anders gobbled up a plateful, including his asparagus in preparation of having his birthday cake. He also was super thrilled to wear his "birthday hat!"

Monkey see monkey do!

Weeks ago he requested strawberries on his cake and clearly we complied. 

Pretty excited about his cake!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

New look

Before (we quiet him with lollipops and my lap). 


And, his first corn dog at the St. John's parade. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Planting his first garden

It was 80 degrees, I played hookey this afternoon and Ryan and I went to get the plants for our annual garden. We got home, scooped up Anders early from daycare and worked together to get our little box planted.