Friday, December 18, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Brave boy

Anders doesn't like Eemie to be in his room. I'm not sure why, but he's pretty adamant we remove her. This past weekend I questioned why he wanted her gone and he took matters in to his own hands. Good thing she is a sweetheart. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Breaking out the exer-saucer

Hollace and I worked from home due to his pink eye for a few days this week. Yesterday I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he needed more stimulation. So, I found the next toy in the development cycle. He was totally ready and in to it!

Quite pleased. 



Not one to miss out on fun, Anders hopped in when he got home. 

Feeling silly 

Enjoying the audience. 

Getting in to it. 

FYI, that's a Pelligrino can that was empty. Anders savored the few drops we left.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Well, it's December and things are busy and at the same times there's nothing happening at all. So, below is a quick recap. 

Anders continues to want to hold and cuddle Hollace. Hollace seems to like it. 

In an art installation at the Portland Art Museum the day after Thanksgiving. We were so busy and having so much fun on Thanksgiving we forgot to take pictures. 

Taking in the latest library haul. Anders is naked as usual. 

Bath time!

Anders, Hollace and I went to Poppi's for a day on Thanksgiving weekend. Anders spent much of the morning outside playing with his step-uncle Sean and the Italian harvest intern Luca who is staying at my dad's. A little after 1pm Anders came inside, climbed on my lap and passed out. Here he is transferred to the couch. 

Picking out a tree on a very rainy day. 

Hollace drying out on the front seat. 

Hanging "ornaments". 

Finally, Anders had his first Monday at his new school yesterday. He loved it! After some initial shyness, his teacher said he warmed right up and was a natural. This morning he asked to go to his new school. He also asked me if he could ask Faye's parents if she could go to his new school, too. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

I can roll over!

Last night while making dinner we witnessed young Hollace conquer the roll! Sqawking the whole time he propelled his little body on to his belly several times! Mornings just got a lot busier for me!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Three years old and full of charm

Anders is just getting more fun and funny as he gets older. And while he can be challenging ("I can't walk over there and apologize because I don't have two legs," said with a sincere straight face) he also brings a huge amount to entertainment to our lives. 

A common evening sight. 

This one, too. 

He's incredibly independent in the morning. 

Some days he crawls out of bed and I find home like this ("don't take a picture, mom.")

And the other days he's grabbed a spoon and helped himself to a yogurt from the fridge and is trying to open it.  Or has pulled out a frozen waffle, popped it in the toaster oven and turned it on. 

He spends a lot of naked time in the house and prefers to wear his apron when helping with dinner. Safety first. 

Unwrapping his burrito all by himself. 

Thrilled with his mustache like his Doodah's

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The three twins

Hollace and I ventured down to Oakland to visit Greta, Kathleen, Joseph and Malcolm this weekend and had a total baby rager. When all six of us walked down the street people couldn't help but stare and comment. Most frequent guess, "they must be a mommy and baby group." 

Hollace is a splendid travel companion. Here he is taking a catnap on the BART. 

First meeting. Malcolm was thoughtful, Joseph thrilled and Hollace looking a little stunned. 

Hollace and Joseph had a fabulous time on the playmat together. 

Hollace and Malcolm, face to face. 

Practicing my multi-tasking. Bouncing Hollace in the chair and cuddling Malcolm. 

Greta and Hollace having some snuggle time while the other boys napped. 

Kathleen and I successfully got Joseph and Hollace to nap while walking to brunch. 

Then they woke up. 

Hollace and Malcolm. 

Hollace and Joseph had a thrilling time checking each other out. 

It took some effort to get them all awake and happy at the same time given they all have different rhythms. But, finally, a shot with all three!

Passed out on the flight home. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

He's getting chunky

He also really loves animals. Hard to tell what's happening below, but my coworker's dog, Frances, can't help but kiss babies. Everytime she would he'd give a big grin.  

Saturday, October 31, 2015


Anders was all in for Halloween, until Halloween arrived. He refused to wear his costume to school and at the school party on Friday. A teacher even caught him trying to ruin his costume! 

On Halloween morning he was completely uninterested and wouldn't even put on his hat. Between his holiday malaise and the deluge outside, we planned just to skip the whole celebration (the upside is that we had another whole day of nakedness and potty training around the house)! Just as we were trying to figure out what to do for what looked like a late dinner while I was unpacking all our 3-6 month clothes, Rebekah reminded us about coming over to give out treats with her friend and her friend's son, Adrian. Anders was so excited he did a 360, put in his costume and even posed for photos. In the container of 3-6 month clothes I found Anders first Halloween costumes, so coincedently we had something for Hollace (I know, second child getting the short end of the stick already). We grabbed take out Chinese and hightailed North for a very late dinner and the last of the trick or treaters. Anders did refuse to wear his costume into Colby and Rebekah's house, but we were able to talk him into wearing his hat later. 

So, without further adieu, our soldier and pirate. 

Hard to tell, but Hollace was a little pirate. 

Rebekah, Ofelia, Adrian and Anders. Hollace was asleep and missed the photo op. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Check up

Anders and Hollace both had doctor appointments this week, both got shots, and neither was particularly thrilled by it. But, both powered through and rebounded when we regrouped for a treat. 

They had this crazy device that took a photo of Anders' eyes and from the image they can determine if he needs glasses or has any issues with his eyes. He was given a clean bill of health and a commemorative photo. 

Hollace weighed in at 12lbs 12oz aka 50th percentile. He was so short that the doctor thinks he was measured poorly. Here's hoping. Otherwise she was particularly impressed with his head and leg strength. 

Closeup, that night, of our smiley guy.