Friday, May 23, 2014

A little celebration

Ryan couldn't let Anders birthday pass without a special celebration. So, we had a BBQ with family last weekend. Ryan smoked a brisket. Meme and Joe were up from NM, Nana and Doodah down from WA, and, of course his PDX aunt, uncle and cousins helped celebrate. Anders was lucky enough to have a cake for each year he's had his feet on the ground. Will we have 3 next year? Too soon to tell. 

What party is complete without a piƱata? Definitely not a birthday party. Anders practiced his swing on this little monkey. 

I guess we have a second generation of sluggers in the family. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Anders is Two!

And, we were fortunate enough to celebrate with Poppi and 80 degrees!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

For me, the ideal day is just spending the day together. The activities aren't important. I'll admit that I assumed having Anders on Mother's Day would be a silly sentimental thing. But, for now, it's like he has two birthday's. Mother's Day was filled with reflection and wonder ("two years ago my water was breaking all over that patio at Random Order!"). The 13th will be celebration (I'm guessing). Life sure is a funny thing, isn't it. 

And with that, scenes from this year's Mother's Day. 

A trip to the coast

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hard at work

Getting his hands dirty
Taking a micro break
Pushing rocks is easier with your tounge out.
Clean up time 

Thursday, May 1, 2014