Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pink Eye Suspention

Anders has his first ever conjunctivitis diagnosis, lucky guy. He also just happens to have an ear infection (both the doc an I were surprised about that). But is was a sunny, albeit chilly day, and we got a little time to explore. 

Since his carseat was in Ryan's car, we got to break out the old infant seat. He seemed to embrace it!

Playing with little hats at the Dr's office waiting room. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kelly point park

At the confluence
Walking with scoop
Kristin and Anders with ships anchored in the distance.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's day

Walking to the park
Getting more comfortable on the slide
He's really trying hard to play with this one. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sunny California

Not sure how it's possible that there are no pictures with Anders and any of the adults! These pictures will have to do. 

Anders' favorite activity over the weekend seemed to be wearing Kathleen's backpack and "walking" Ida in the backyard and house.